Enrollment is closed for the 24/25 school year. We would be happy to add you to our list for next school year! Email: school@tlcswaucousta.com
Value-based education is a buzzword in many schools today. As a parent, you might ask yourself:
“Whose values will my
children learn in school?”
For Christian parents, providing
a Christ-centered education
makes more sense than ever!
Who may attend?
Any child can apply to attend Trinity Lutheran School. Most of our students are members of Trinity Lutheran Church of Dundee, whose members support the school to nurture their own children and to reach out to other families with the power of the Gospel.
A student whose beliefs are not in alignment with the doctrines of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod is welcome to attend Trinity Lutheran School. The student will be instructed in all areas of the curriculum, including the doctrines of Holy Scriptures as taught in the Lutheran Confessions. At Trinity, EVERY class and every co-curricular is motivated by faith in Jesus Christ and done to the glory of God.
What are the costs?
Members of Trinity support the school through regular offerings. Those who are not members support Trinity through larger tuition payments.
Tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year are:
3K & 4K see “Preschool” page for rates
K-8 (Trinity or prospective) $1000
K-8 (other WELS) $4000
K-8 (non-WELS) $1000
Financial aid is available for families through a tuition assistance fund.
Is Christian Education worth the cost?
Cost is a real issue for families who pursue a Christian education for their children. It is also a very real factor for those who provide it.
That cost, however, is an investment in your child’s future. A Christ-centered education provides your child with a solid foundation upon which to build
for now . . .
and for eternity.